Seitan roasts, cured sausages Kebab Shawarma

Inspired by Middle Eastern kebabs, this seitan roast will quickly become your best friend in the kitchen. Kebab is probably our most versatile product. It will taste great cut into thin slices and grilled in a pita, grilled in various stir-fries or pastas or shredded to serve as ground meat in your tacos, lasagna and more.
Water • Wheat protein (gluten) • Canola oil • Spices • Sea salts • Yeast extracts • Apple cider vinegar • Natural smoke flavor. Contains : Wheat.-
Valeur nutritive /
Par portion ( 50 g) / Per portion ( 50 g)
Nutrition Facts - Calories 130
Teneur % valeur quotidienneAmount % Daily Value
Lipides / Fat 7 g 9 %Saturés / Saturated 0.5 g
+ trans / Trans 0.1 g 3 % -
Glucides / Carbohydrate 4 gFibres / Fibre 1 g 4 %Sucres / Sugars 1 g 1 %
- Protéines / Protein 12 g
- Cholestérol / Cholesterol 0 mg
- Sodium / Sodium 400 mg 17 %
- Potassium 100 mg 2 %
- Fer / Iron 1 mg 6 %
- Vitamine B12 / Vitamin B12 0 %
- *5% ou moins c'est peu, 15% ou plus c'est beaucoup / *5% or less is a little, 15% or more is a lot
In a frying pan, add 1 tablespoon of oil. Fry over high heat for 5-6 minutes on each side, until slightly crispy. Serve.