Seitan roasts, cured sausages Sliced Kebab-shawarma

Here is the first plant-based shredded kebab. It is pre-cooked, delicious and very practical. In a döner, a buddha bowl or a poutine, it will be perfect for your many dishes.
Water • Wheat protein (gluten) • Canola oil • Yeast extracts • Spices • Apple cider vinegar • Sea salts • Natural smoke flavor. Contains : Wheat.-
Valeur nutritive /
Par portion ( 50 g) / Per portion ( 50 g)
Nutrition Facts - Calories 140
Teneur % valeur quotidienneAmount % Daily Value
Lipides / Fat 7 g 9 %Saturés / Saturated 0.5 g
+ trans / Trans 0.1 g 3 % -
Glucides / Carbohydrate 4 gFibres / Fibre 1 g 4 %Sucres / Sugars 1 g 1 %
- Protéines / Protein 14 g
- Cholestérol / Cholesterol 0 mg
- Sodium / Sodium 460 mg 20 %
- Potassium 125 mg 3 %
- Fer / Iron 1 mg 6 %
- Vitamine B12 / Vitamin B12 0 %
- *5% ou moins c'est peu, 15% ou plus c'est beaucoup / *5% or less is a little, 15% or more is a lot
In a frying pan, add 1 tablespoon of oil. Fry for a few minutes until lightly browned.