
12 May 2020

What are the Best Sources of Vegetable Protein?

It’s not just athletes who can take advantage of protein! These biological macromolecules, composed of amino acid chains, allow the human body to build muscles, as well as strengthening the skin and internal organs (heart and brain first), eyes, hair, nails. Our immune system also needs proteins to generate the antibodies essential in the fight of infections. They also play a role in the regulation of the glycemic index, metabolism of fats and stimulation of energy function.

Protein is essential for everyone!

An adult needs to consume a minimum of 0.8 g of protein per kilogram of body weight. Of course, this daily intake increases in athletes and very active people. But good news: no need to eat red meat to fulfil our body properly! We can opt for a plant-based diet AND meet all our daily protein requirements.

That said, one challenge remains: most plant proteins are not considered “complete”. The human body needs nine essential amino acids to operate at full capacity. We call them so because the body can’t synthesize them. Among these, vegans need to pay particular attention to methionine and lysine and make sure to include them at all costs in their daily diet. Otherwise, expect deficiencies.

But why these two amino acids rather than others? Because no source of plant protein contains enough. Thus, wheat products and rice are full of methionine, but not lysine. On the other hand, legumes are full of lysine, but not methionine.

The key to a non-deficient vegan diet is the diversity of protein inputs. Therefore, if we make sure that we combine grains and legumes on our plate every day, we will get all the amino acids we need to run at full capacity.

The best sources of plant proteins (for 100g):


Did you know that Gusta’s seitan roasts and vegan sausages, made from wheat protein, have a good protein ratio? Enjoy them in a thousand different ways with, as a side dish, some legumes. Go to our “recipes” tab and have fun cooking good healthy meals!